What do you do when not feeling good?
Bad feelings sometimes is an outcome of some frustrations however if you won’t
control, it may lead to your new frustrations and stresses.
At the end of the day you will have
to control your bad feeling and make yourself feel good for the sake of your
enjoyable life, if you won’t do so then you are sure of acquiring all the
stress related affections in your body for instance ulcers, bad blood pressure,
heart attack and probably mental breakdown etc.
That is what is happening to many
people in the recent world especially in urban areas where life is more
complex, it forces you to be a self-made person that you need to take care of yourself
because you are living in the free market economy where an individual have
power to choose and determine his/her life style. In this society success is
when you realize happiness in your life. We are doing whatever we do, searching
for happiness and I think this is your ultimate success. You can acquire it by
doing business, having more money, getting married, buying a nice car etc.
For you to feel good you have to change the state of your mind;
The feeling you have now is an
outcome of an experience you have or what you are experiencing by the time
being. Think of what makes you feel the way you feel now, it must be something
you have experienced in your life and you got such an experience through your
senses; by hearing, smelling, watching and probably touching. The information
came into your mind through these doors and now you are believing into them and
getting stressed, frustrated and bored. It has created a bad feeling in your
mind and that is your state of mind you must change now.
Movement can change your state of mind
If you are feeling bad and stay at
the same position all the time it won’t be easy for you to change the bad state
of your mind, try to do something different which will shift the paradigm of
your mindset and start thinking something else from which will determine the
new feeling you are going to experience. Choose to engage into something good
that you love most, for me it could be watching Tanzanian movies, music or
going to a music concert, reading motivational books and having stories with my
best friends etc. how about you? Stop thinking the same now go and engage into
something good and precious you love now. That will help make you feel good.
Stop asking dis-empowering questions
I met this friend of mine who was in quarrel
with his girlfriend who was no longer picking his phone for two days now, he is
then getting frustrated, crying and asking questions like “why is she doing
this to me?, why don’t she value my love to her? Why me- why me- why, why?” and
these question didn’t offer him the solution to a problem instead they made him
more guilt, stressed and frustrated to the extent he was about to make new
decision of breaking his relationship with her.
Hey my friend don’t ask “WHY ME?” try
to ask empowering questions like how I am I going to improve our relationship
out of these quarrels, to which extent my girlfriend or boyfriend has been good
to me? Keep on asking the question which will help you solve a prevailing
problem instead of concentrating into questions which makes you groan and feel worse
and probably give up.
When I feel bad because of some
circumstances I use to ask myself on how this circumstance is beneficial and
makes me grow and succeed more in my life. This is what normally change my
state of mind and make me feel good.
What questions are you asking
yourself now? Are they giving you answers which pushes you to improve your
situation or makes you groan and feel bad of yourself? An instant change of
your state of mind can happen if you will concentrate in asking empowering
question like how your situation can be used to improve your life or what
benefit are you getting out of such a situation etc.
Stay and improve your new state of mind
As you have shifted your bad state of
mind to a new better one which makes you feel good, you better stay at it by
repeating it most of your time and learning how you can improve it day to day
and this will make you start believing more in it and leave aside the previous
bad circumstance which made your bad state of mind. Staying and improving your
new state of mind will create your new behavior which will assure you a long
life good feeling.
Remember you can make yourself
feeling good by changing your movement and stop asking dis-empowering question
and instead concentrating in empowering questions.
Enjoy your good feeling.
By Erick Chrispin
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