Saturday, January 6, 2018

What is your 2018 personal resolution?

It is very important...

That you make your strong resolution in this new year for you to experience the change you want to see in your life in 2018.

This is due to the fact that whatever you get and see happening in your life is a result of the decisions you made sometimes back let say in 2017 which determines your current behavior, and you clearly know that you are your behavior, so if you won't do something to change your current behavior then you are surely going to experience the same results in this new year (2018), shortly there is no new year to you if you will keep behaving the same as you had been behaving in 2017 only number will have been changed to you.

If you haven't made your resolution which is a strong decision of what you are going to do and what you are not going to do in your daily routine in 2018, it will be hard to get what you want in life in this new year. Remember life  will always give you what you deserve not what you want. Deserving is about making a resolution and living it.

One of my resolution is...

Being committed to my 2018 resolutions and I would real like you to make it your resolution as well.

What is commitment to you?

To me commitment is that state of doing something when you don't feel like doing it, this helps me always execute my action plans since I do things even when I am not feeling like doing them. As you know it always feel like not doing a lot of actions we plan due to the fact that they make us feel uncomfortable though such activities are the one that have higher chances of making us succeed in life so we need commitment for us to pursue them.

My call to you today is that whenever you feel like not doing something to your objectives or resolutions then that is the time for you to actually wake up and do them.

Finally, if you haven't yet made your 2018 resolution please go do that now with commitment.

All the best in 2018.


Erick Chrispin

Sunday, December 11, 2016


As years pass we need to move ahead in our life development, we need to personally develop and achieve our vision, our dreams at least to come out with new achievements, we need to go more steps ahead economically, socially and may be politically.

The fact is that you will never realize your dreams if you do not plan because planning activate activities to do on your dreams. I want to show you what you can do to plan for next year so that you can deliver and realize what you have dreamt to achieve in the coming year.

In fact you need to personally evaluate yourself on what happened this year and plan what you will be doing next year. I have prepared you some strategic points/ questions which will guide you on your personal evaluation. This evaluation can be done perfectly in a calm or cool environment, a place where you feel cool and relaxing when you are there. In my case when I was doing this I used to go to hotel close to beach and take a room, stayed there alone for 24 hours evaluating and planning for next year.

 Being there I got a chance to meditate while seating on the beach, for sure I got a lot of new ideas, I made a new personal vision for next year, I acquired a very powerful, inspiring and big dream and then I made a strategy, so next year I have a very good plan and very confident year. I am now stressed free for next year I hope at the end of next year I will realize the great achievements of my vision, my goals and dreams because already I know the way to go through, I have a map to follow.

I kindly ask you to do this activity and you will realize what I am telling you and it will help you a lot. Please go with me through these guidelines.


  • What was the most fun I had this past year?
  • What did I lean this past year?
  • What did I change for good this past year?
  • What bad habits did I pick up this past year?
  • What books had the biggest impact on me this past year?


·         What important projects would I like to complete this next year?
·         What am I looking forward to in my personal life this next year?
·         What skills would I like to sharpen this next year?
·         What books will help me the most this next year?
·         How can I increase my service to others this next year?
·         How much would I like to earn this next year?

Succeeding to answer all these questions effectively you are going to realize a new personal vision and mission of your life and next year is going to be a year with full of success to you but only if you are going to work on your entire mission you have discovered through this exercise. Remember to write down each and every answer you are coming up with.

Please I hope to see you back and share your success with others through this blog next time and may be next year.

God bless you more.


Erick Chrispin.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Social Entrepreneurship; A new perspective for country’s development?

                                                                             By Adrian Nzamba

Discovering social entrepreneurs!

For as long as there has been poverty and inequality in the World, so as there has been a presence of people in groups or just as individuals who have always been there with establishment and initiatives that played a fundamental key role in supporting other who were in deep struggles of poverty and inequality. And because of their prestigious personalities they were given names such as visionaries, humanitarians, philanthropists, reformers, saints, or simply great leaders. Attention was paid to their courage, compassion, and vision but rarely to the practical aspects of their accomplishments. For example, we might have learnt about Florence Nightingale on how she ministered the wounded soldiers but not that she built the first professional school for nurses and revolutionized hospital construction.

These people of such caliber are regarded today as Social Entrepreneurs. Social entrepreneurship has been defined by many scholars throughout the years but till to date there is no universal recognized definition but the most widely cited definition was of offered by Greg Dees who draws on the thinking of the economists Jean-Baptiste Say and Joseph A. Schumpeter, who argued that “entrepreneurs improve the productive capacity of society and provide the ‘creative destruction’ that propels economic change.” Dees holds that social entrepreneurs do the same for social change, creating new combinations of people and resources that significantly improve society’s capacity to address problems.

Is Social Entrepreneurship the best solution to our Social problems?

Social entrepreneurs are and have always been developing innovative business models that blend traditional capitalism with solutions that address the long-term needs of our planet. They are tackling chronic social problems, ranging from healthcare delivery in sub-Saharan Africa to agricultural transformation in East Asia and public-school funding in the United States. Social entrepreneurs are working in close collaboration with local communities, incubating groundbreaking-and often lifesaving-innovations; modeling synergistic partnerships with governments, companies, and traditional charities; and building business models that deploy technology and enable networking to create wins for investors and clients alike.

New challenges, new solutions!

According to World Economic Forum Global Agenda of 2015, it listed deepening income inequality and persistent jobless growth as the major challenges faced by the World to date. Where we have the rich continue to accumulate wealth at record breaking rates while the middle class is still struggling. And at the same time if we look back at UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon statement during the 54th session of the commission for Social development he said that “2016 must be a year of “global traction” to ensure 3.1 billion people worldwide are not left behind in the race to end poverty”. These two statements clearly shows that the continuous growth of our global challenges is overwhelming and there is a need for a global intervention. Meaning it’s high time to start talking about social entrepreneurship and making the environment feasible for social entrepreneurs to intervene and create solutions to our pressing challenges.

Opportunities for the Social Entrepreneurs!

One of the biggest opportunity social entrepreneurship has is the nature of people we have in our today’s World and Soushiant Zanganehpour[1] puts it best by stating that “There are many factors contributing to this including the rise of Generation Y (millennials)[2]. This generation is a new, connected, socially-conscious, energized global cohort who finds this concept very appealing. This is demonstrated by the products they buy, and by the companies they seek to work for”. This means that this generation is positive and willing to support social enterprises due to the current state of problems of which are most felt by the same generation.

Access to fund has always been one of biggest challenges for both startup and scaling up social enterprise, but according to Harvard business review of January-February 2012 titled “A new approach to funding Social Enterprise” showed that an increasing number of social entrepreneurs and investors are coming to realize that social enterprises of all sorts can also generate financial returns that will make them attractive to the right investors. This realization will dramatically increase the amount of capital available to these organizations.


  1. David Bornstein and Susan Davis (2010) Social Entrepreneurship What everyone needs to know, Oxford University Press.
  2. Antony Bugg-Levine, Bruce Kogut and Nalin Kulatilaka (2012) A new approach to funding social approach, Harvard Business Review